Shop gift wraps

Browse our sustainable, reusable fabric gift wraps. Handmade from reclaimed fabric and organic cotton.

About furoshiki wraps

Learn more about the art of furoshiki, how we source our fabrics and the making of each individual wrap.

Shop cloth kitchen roll

Sustainable reusable cloth kitchen roll to replace single-use paper towels. Handmade from organic cotton.

How to use

Tips, techniques and video tutorials explaining how to use furoshiki wraps, plus size guide.

Shop gift bags

Sustainable and reusable gift bags made from reclaimed fabric and organic cotton.

Shop reusable cards

Sustainable handmade cards made from reclaimed, organic and recycled materials.

Shop face wipes

Shop our sustainable, washable, reusable face wipes. Handmade from organic cotton and reclaimed fabric.

RAPPU blog

Check out our blog for more about fabric gift wrapping, eco-friendly living and our thoughts on all things sustainable.

Shop eco dusters

Useful and beautiful. Made from organic cotton flannel and reclaimed fabric.

Follow our journey