Can I Ask for it Back…?
Affordable ways to switch to fabric gift wrapping
One of the sticking points for switching to fabric wrapping is the greater cost of fabric over paper - and the question of whether you have to buy new furoshiki for each gifting occasion.
There are various ways to get over this obstacle. We take a look at some of them below…
Regarding the actual process of asking for the wrap back … Well, in our experience, people are more than happy to return it, particularly if asked with a mildly apologetic smile. Apart from anything else, it saves them the bother of dealing responsibly with the waste generated by the receiving of gifts. Given the time it takes to work out whether the wrapping paper is recyclable, remove the sticky tape and put the plastic bow in the ‘gift wrap drawer’ (if you’re organised enough to have one), it can be tempting to dump the lot in the rubbish bin instead. How much easier to just hand the wrap back! It also saves feeling guilty about dispatching a load of plasticised wrapping paper to landfill. Never forget it’s the gift recipient who carries the responsibility for gift wrap waste disposal, not the gifter!
Still feel awkward?
If asking for the wrap back still feels too uncomfortable, but you can’t afford to include it in the gift, you could add a little request tag. Something like ‘please give me back’ with a heart or smiley face makes your intention clear - but without you having to say anything out loud.
Ditch the greetings card?
Here’s a novel (and sustainable) idea… Does the gift recipient truly value receiving a greetings card along with their gift? Many do of course, and that’s fine - but a lot of people really aren’t that bothered. If you avoid having to spend money on a card, the savings you make can go towards the cost of a fabric wrap. It’s also simple to slip a handwritten note under the knot of your furoshiki-wrapped gift, saying everything you would put in a card without either the expense or the waste of resources.
For those amongst your circle who do value a card for the mantelpiece, we should perhaps add that we have the answer with our collection of hand-stitched, reusable greetings cards.
Check out our Instagram and sign up to receive our newsletter (below), where we flag up when a new batch of seconds is going on sale. Receiving our newsletter also gives you access to various money off codes throughout the year - yet another way to help you buy furoshiki within a budget.
Happy (and affordable) wrapping!