All the fabric for our Thrift range is sourced from charity shops. The charity you will be supporting when you purchase a particular wrap is included in the description for that wrap. 

 The Batemans Trust


As part of our commitment to sustainability, we give 10% of the profits from both the Thrift and the Sari ranges to our chosen charity, The Batemans Trust. This means that any Thrift purchase helps two-fold - firstly the charity from which it was sourced, and secondly in the form of a donation that goes directly towards helping young people in Chennai.


Batemans is a UK-based trust working in partnership with the Satkaarya Trust in India to deliver education, accommodation and welfare support to disadvantaged children and young people in Chennai. It also provides life skills training in tailoring and computing.


The trust has recently purchased a plot of land in Chennai and will soon begin building new premises for a primary school and boarding home. This exciting project has involved a huge and ongoing fund raising effort, and the new build will make a big difference to both children and staff.


We have had links with the Batemans Trust for a number of years. Hannah and Hilary were involved in producing Priya Goes to School, a picture book based on life at the school and included in the trust’s education pack. Hannah and her brother Joe have also spent time volunteering in the school and hostel. They have never forgotten the warmth of the welcome they received from both children and staff.


If you would like to support the important and valuable work carried out by Batemans, both now and in the future, visit the trust’s JustGiving and Facebook page

Further information about work of The Batemans Trust can be found on their website